Cascade Outdoor Education
Professional Wilderness Medicine Training
Wilderness Medicine Training Center

The Wilderness Medicine Training Center (WMTC) provides unrivaled training for serious students of pre-hospital wilderness care and risk management. WMTC courses expertly meld decades of field experience and training with the latest research and technology. WMTC bases its medical curriculum on the practice guidelines established by the Wilderness Medical Society and is a signatory to the WFA, WAFA, and WFR scope of practice (SOP) documents. WMTC certifications are accepted nationally and internationally by organizations such as Outward Bound, the National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS), the American Camping Association, the Boy Scouts of America, and all state and federal guide licensing agencies.
Learn more at www.wildmedcenter.com
WMTC courses are hands-on, intense, practical, and fun. Course curriculum uses a mechanism of injury/illness perspective that facilitates learning, critical thinking under pressure, and accurate field assessment & treatment. Students learn how to think in a medical emergency, and to utilize the most valuable tool a medical care provider has: their brain. Over 75% of every medical course is hands-on practical skill labs, realistic simulations, after incident debriefs, and case study reviews.

Joel Reid

Owner/lead instructor Joel Reid has been working in outdoor education for well over 10 years and has been instructing for WMTC since 2006. He has worked for high school outdoor education programs, college outdoor programs, and is currently the Washington Program Director for the Northwest Outward Bound School and a volunteer EMT with his local EMS service. He lives near Winthrop, WA.